NCBA Header Graphic

Our focus is on helping businesses in North Carroll join together and grow.  We meet once a month to network and provide quality speakers providing education and inspiration. The North Carroll Business Alliance hopes to be the resource for all businesses in north Carroll while remaining based in Manchester. All members are urged to participate in decision making on events and meeting activities.

The North Carroll Business Alliance, (NCBA), of Manchester, MD, previously recognized as the Manchester Area Merchants Association for over thirty years, now operates as a registered 501c3 in conjunction with the Carroll Foundation of Westminster, MD.


Why Join The NCBA


We hold and attend many important events in the Carroll County area, these events are not only for exposure, but they also provide value to the community and allow us to provide charitable donations to several organizations.


Joining the North Carroll Business Alliance is like joining a family, but all of the members of that family are experienced business owners with a wealth of information to share with you! Visit our benefits page to learn more about the advantages to being a member of NCBA.


We are proud to host a unique and diverse group of members! North Carroll Business Alliance accepts any person or business in good standing from Manchester, MD or the Carroll County, MD area. Visit our member page to view and find more information on our valued members.

Why Donate

When you donate to the North Carroll Business Alliance, you are making a donation that will be directly funneled into creating scholarships for local students of Manchester Valley high School. We are proud to say that nearly 100% of the funds raised from our fundraisers are allocated to the students and their education. Thank you for considering this tax deductible donation to the North Carroll Business Association.




Scholorship Recipients

$ 0

Scholarship Dollars Awarded